The motherboard system includes 14- phase Hybrid PWM and DirectFET MOSFET technology for CPU power. Quantum Force designers have a history in designing and building complete power distribution systems that can deliver stable power management whether the system is idle or under heavy load.
And at the same time, the digital audio outputs via S/PDIF OUT guarantees the highest quality fidelity for games and movies
100% SOLID Capacitor design, Ferrite Choke power delivery and Cool Pipe design help to maximize performance and increase reliability. The Rattler supports the latest industry technologies - Intel sandybridge series processors and DDR3 2133MHz (via overclocking) memory. The motherboard is introduced under the 'Quantum Force' series and has been designed to deliver high-performance computing, connectivity and digital entertainment. Foxconn sometime ago introduced a P67 motherboard under the codename 'Rattler'.