So we need to download large files as streams. But if you need to download a very large file, then it won’t be able to store all data into it at once. In the above example, r.content holds the file content in string form. You can use this code by simply replacing the URL of file to be downloaded. When you run this code, it will download specified image to your present working directory. Finally, we write the content of downloaded file to a local file. In the above code, we basically import requests module, then use requests.get function to download file whose url we have. R = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True) In your python file, add the following lines. Run the following command to install requests module. In our case, we will use it to download file using its URL. It is a very versatile module to make HTTP requests and work with responses in numerous ways.
Here are the steps to download file using python using requests module. In this article, we will look at how to download file using Python. Python offers several libraries such as requests, urllib, beautifulsoup, etc. Sometimes you may need to download file in Python and use it for further processing.